Identify & Manage Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is best identified and treated early as part of comprehensive primary medical care. Goals of medical management are to: identify and treat, monitor, slow progression, and reduce and treat complications. Additional goals include providing patient education about CKD, diet, lifestyle, and preparation for renal replacement therapy (RRT).

Identify and Evaluate Patients with CKD

Early detection and appropriate treatment of CKD may improve prognosis. Read about the key markers used to detect and monitor kidney disease and why its important to establish etiology.

Manage Patients with CKD

CKD management involves an interdisciplinary approach. Track your patients' disease progression through GFR and urine albumin, and implement interventions to slow progression and reduce complications.

NIDDK has also developed patient education lesson plans to help educators and providers present kidney health information to patients.

Professional & Continuing Education (CME & CE)

Effective management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) requires both prepared health care providers and informed patients. NIDDK has developed numerous resources to expand CKD knowledge among providers.

Last Reviewed August 2017