National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) - Diabetes Components

May 2024 Council

Lead Division/Office


Point(s) of Contact

Jean Lawrence, Sc.D., M.P.H., MSW

Executive Summary

We are requesting renewal of Initiative #1065 “Renewal of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) - Diabetes Components” for the purpose of continuing the diabetes-related questions among this US nationally representative cohort that will be included in NHIS from FY2026-2030. Scientists from NIDDK/DEM and CDC/Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT) will jointly review the current diabetes-related content in NHIS to ensure that we are obtaining robust data related to diabetes. We have modified the questions in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), renewed for FY25-29 last year, to harmonize the questions with NHIS whenever possible to strengthen our diabetes content in these two national surveys. The NHIS data are public use and have been used extensively by researchers in the United States and beyond as well as by NIDDK and CDC scientific staff and other federal agencies to inform public health and policy decision related to diabetes.