Special Diabetes Program: Reports & Planning
In designating special funding for research into the prevention and cure of type 1 diabetes through the Special Diabetes Program, the Congress recognized the opportunity to overcome this devastating disease and its complications. Described in the reports and information below are the significant scientific advances that have resulted from the funding, as well as the innovative, collaborative planning processes that guide the use of the funds.
Progress Report on the Special Type 1 Diabetes Program
This Progress Report describes some of the major scientific advances and future research opportunities that have been made possible by the Special Diabetes Program.
Evaluation Reports
The NIH has developed evaluation reports on the Special Diabetes Program, which describe the unique, collaborative, and innovative research consortia, networks, and resources that have been enabled by the Program, as well as many scientific accomplishments that have resulted.
- Evaluation Report on the Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research, January 2011
Strategic Planning
The strategic plans below, developed by the NIH with broad external input, serve as scientific guideposts for use of the Special Diabetes Program by identifying compelling opportunities for research on type 1 diabetes and its complications.
Scientific Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops Related to Type 1 Diabetes Research
To inform its planning for research supported by the Special Diabetes Program, the NIH obtains broad external input at scientific conferences, workshops, and meetings that are relevant to type 1 diabetes and its complications. A description of past conferences, workshops, and meetings that have informed research planning are found in:
- 2011 Evaluation Report on the Special Diabetes Program (Appendix E) (PDF, 199.19 KB)
Federal Diabetes Research Coordination
The Diabetes Mellitus Interagency Coordinating Committee (DMICC), chaired by the NIDDK, facilitates cooperation, communication, and collaboration on diabetes among several government agencies. The DMICC plays an important role in providing input on diabetes research supported by the Special Diabetes Program.
A description of DMICC meetings focused on the Special Diabetes Program, or relevant to type 1 diabetes or its complications, is available at:
- Summary of March 8, 2022 Planning Meeting for Research Supported by the Special Diabetes Program (PDF, 366.68 KB)
- Summary of May 30-31, 2019 Planning Meeting for Research Supported by the Special Diabetes Program (PDF, 360.73 KB)
- Summary of April 8-9, 2015 Planning Meeting for Research Supported by the Special Diabetes Program (PDF, 218.8 KB)
- Summary of June 6-7, 2013 Planning Meeting for Research Supported by the Special Diabetes Program (PDF, 246.82 KB)
- Summary of May 5-6, 2011 Workshop on Research Supported by the Special Diabetes Program (PDF, 193.93 KB)
- 2011 Evaluation Report on the Special Diabetes Program (see Appendix E) (PDF, 199.19 KB)
- 2007 Evaluation Report on the Special Diabetes Program [see Appendix 3 (PDF, 158.28 KB) and Appendix 4 (PDF, 172.24 KB)
View a list of recent DMICC meetings.