Ann Dean, Ph.D.

Section Chief:
Gene Regulation and Development Section, Laboratory of Cellular & Developmental Biology
Scientific Focus Areas: Chromosome Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Stem Cell Biology
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- Long noncoding RNA GATA2AS influences human erythropoiesis by transcription factor and chromatin landscape modulation.
- Liu G, Kim J, Nguyen N, Zhou L, Dean A.
- Blood (2024 May 30) 143:2300-2313. Abstract/Full Text
- An enhancer RNA recruits KMT2A to regulate transcription of Myb.
- Kim J, Diaz LF, Miller MJ, Leadem B, Krivega I, Dean A.
- Cell Rep (2024 Jul 23) 43:114378. Abstract/Full Text
- Hemogen/BRG1 cooperativity modulates promoter and enhancer activation during erythropoiesis.
- Guo X, Zhao Y, Kim J, Dean A.
- Blood (2022 Jun 16) 139:3532-3545. Abstract/Full Text
- Enhancers navigate the three-dimensional genome to direct cell fate decisions.
- Kim J, Dean A.
- Curr Opin Struct Biol (2021 Dec) 71:101-109. Abstract/Full Text
- Enhancers, gene regulation, and genome organization.
- Dean A, Larson DR, Sartorelli V.
- Genes Dev (2021 Apr 1) 35:427-432. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- An enhancer RNA recruits MLL1 to regulate transcription of Myb.
- Kim J, Diaz LF, Miller MJ, Leadem B, Krivega I, Dean A.
- bioRxiv (2023 Oct 12) Abstract/Full Text
- Enhancer looping protein LDB1 regulates hepatocyte gene expression by cooperating with liver transcription factors.
- Liu G, Wang L, Wess J, Dean A.
- Nucleic Acids Res (2022 Sep 9) 50:9195-9211. Abstract/Full Text
- A Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Faithfully Dedicated to Only a Single Target Gene in Erythroid Cells.
- Kim J, Dean A.
- Mol Cell (2021 Jan 21) 81:218-219. Abstract/Full Text
- Crystal structure of human LDB1 in complex with SSBP2.
- Wang H, Kim J, Wang Z, Yan XX, Dean A, Xu W.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2020 Jan 14) 117:1042-1048. Abstract/Full Text
- LDB1-mediated enhancer looping can be established independent of mediator and cohesin.
- Krivega I, Dean A.
- Nucleic Acids Res (2017 Aug 21) 45:8255-8268. Abstract/Full Text
- A tetrad of chromatin interactions for chromosome pairing in X inactivation.
- Krivega I, Dean A.
- Nat Struct Mol Biol (2017 Aug 3) 24:607-608. Abstract/Full Text
- CTCF fences make good neighbours.
- Krivega I, Dean A.
- Nat Cell Biol (2017 Jul 28) 19:883-885. Abstract/Full Text
- The LDB1 Complex Co-opts CTCF for Erythroid Lineage-Specific Long-Range Enhancer Interactions.
- Lee J, Krivega I, Dale RK, Dean A.
- Cell Rep (2017 Jun 20) 19:2490-2502. Abstract/Full Text
- Chromatin looping as a target for altering erythroid gene expression.
- Krivega I, Dean A.
- Ann N Y Acad Sci (2016 Mar) 1368:31-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Inhibition of G9a methyltransferase stimulates fetal hemoglobin production by facilitating LCR/γ-globin looping.
- Krivega I, Byrnes C, de Vasconcellos JF, Lee YT, Kaushal M, Dean A, Miller JL.
- Blood (2015 Jul 30) 126:665-72. Abstract/Full Text
- Chromosome togetherness at the onset of ESC differentiation.
- Krivega I, Dean A.
- Cell Stem Cell (2015 Mar 5) 16:213-4. Abstract/Full Text
- Reactivation of developmentally silenced globin genes by forced chromatin looping.
- Deng W, Rupon JW, Krivega I, Breda L, Motta I, Jahn KS, Reik A, Gregory PD, Rivella S, Dean A, Blobel GA.
- Cell (2014 Aug 14) 158:849-860. Abstract/Full Text
- Enhancer function: mechanistic and genome-wide insights come together.
- Plank JL, Dean A.
- Mol Cell (2014 Jul 3) 55:5-14. Abstract/Full Text
- Role of LDB1 in the transition from chromatin looping to transcription activation.
- Krivega I, Dale RK, Dean A.
- Genes Dev (2014 Jun 15) 28:1278-90. Abstract/Full Text
- The hematopoietic regulator TAL1 is required for chromatin looping between the β-globin LCR and human γ-globin genes to activate transcription.
- Yun WJ, Kim YW, Kang Y, Lee J, Dean A, Kim A.
- Nucleic Acids Res (2014 Apr) 42:4283-93. Abstract/Full Text
- Ldb1-nucleated transcription complexes function as primary mediators of global erythroid gene activation.
- Li L, Freudenberg J, Cui K, Dale R, Song SH, Dean A, Zhao K, Jothi R, Love PE.
- Blood (2013 May 30) 121:4575-85. Abstract/Full Text
- Enhancers: five essential questions.
- Pennacchio LA, Bickmore W, Dean A, Nobrega MA, Bejerano G.
- Nat Rev Genet (2013 Apr) 14:288-95. Abstract/Full Text
- CTCF-mediated transcriptional regulation through cell type-specific chromosome organization in the β-globin locus.
- Junier I, Dale RK, Hou C, Képès F, Dean A.
- Nucleic Acids Res (2012 Sep) 40:7718-27. Abstract/Full Text
- Ldb1 regulates carbonic anhydrase 1 during erythroid differentiation.
- Song SH, Kim A, Dale R, Dean A.
- Biochim Biophys Acta (2012 Aug) 1819:885-91. Abstract/Full Text
- Chromatin loop formation in the β-globin locus and its role in globin gene transcription.
- Kim A, Dean A.
- Mol Cells (2012 Jul) 34:1-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Controlling long-range genomic interactions at a native locus by targeted tethering of a looping factor.
- Deng W, Lee J, Wang H, Miller J, Reik A, Gregory PD, Dean A, Blobel GA.
- Cell (2012 Jun 8) 149:1233-44. Abstract/Full Text
- The hypersensitive sites of the murine β-globin locus control region act independently to affect nuclear localization and transcriptional elongation.
- Bender MA, Ragoczy T, Lee J, Byron R, Telling A, Dean A, Groudine M.
- Blood (2012 Apr 19) 119:3820-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Enhancer and promoter interactions-long distance calls.
- Krivega I, Dean A.
- Curr Opin Genet Dev (2012 Apr) 22:79-85. Abstract/Full Text
- Distinct Ldb1/NLI complexes orchestrate γ-globin repression and reactivation through ETO2 in human adult erythroid cells.
- Kiefer CM, Lee J, Hou C, Dale RK, Lee YT, Meier ER, Miller JL, Dean A.
- Blood (2011 Dec 1) 118:6200-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Insulators organize chromatin: emerging rules of the game.
- Krivega M, Dean A.
- Mol Cell (2011 Oct 7) 44:1-2. Abstract/Full Text
- Identification of genetic elements that autonomously determine DNA methylation states.
- Lienert F, Wirbelauer C, Som I, Dean A, Mohn F, Schübeler D.
- Nat Genet (2011 Oct 2) 43:1091-7. Abstract/Full Text
- In the loop: long range chromatin interactions and gene regulation.
- Dean A.
- Brief Funct Genomics (2011 Jan) 10:3-10. Abstract/Full Text
- A requirement for Lim domain binding protein 1 in erythropoiesis.
- Li L, Lee JY, Gross J, Song SH, Dean A, Love PE.
- J Exp Med (2010 Nov 22) 207:2543-50. Abstract/Full Text
- Multiple functions of Ldb1 required for beta-globin activation during erythroid differentiation.
- Song SH, Kim A, Ragoczy T, Bender MA, Groudine M, Dean A.
- Blood (2010 Sep 30) 116:2356-64. Abstract/Full Text
- Cell type specificity of chromatin organization mediated by CTCF and cohesin.
- Hou C, Dale R, Dean A.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010 Feb 23) 107:3651-6. Abstract/Full Text
- CTCF-dependent enhancer-blocking by alternative chromatin loop formation.
- Hou C, Zhao H, Tanimoto K, Dean A.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008 Dec 23) 105:20398-403. Abstract/Full Text
- Epigenetics of beta-globin gene regulation.
- Kiefer CM, Hou C, Little JA, Dean A.
- Mutat Res (2008 Dec 1) 647:68-76. Abstract/Full Text
- A positive role for NLI/Ldb1 in long-range beta-globin locus control region function.
- Song SH, Hou C, Dean A.
- Mol Cell (2007 Dec 14) 28:810-22. Abstract/Full Text
- Beta-globin intergenic transcription and histone acetylation dependent on an enhancer.
- Kim A, Zhao H, Ifrim I, Dean A.
- Mol Cell Biol (2007 Apr) 27:2980-6. Abstract/Full Text
- Distinctive signatures of histone methylation in transcribed coding and noncoding human beta-globin sequences.
- Kim A, Kiefer CM, Dean A.
- Mol Cell Biol (2007 Feb) 27:1271-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Nucleosome and transcription activator antagonism at human beta-globin locus control region DNase I hypersensitive sites.
- Kim A, Song SH, Brand M, Dean A.
- Nucleic Acids Res (2007) 35:5831-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Enhancer blocking by chicken beta-globin 5'-HS4: role of enhancer strength and insulator nucleosome depletion.
- Zhao H, Kim A, Song SH, Dean A.
- J Biol Chem (2006 Oct 13) 281:30573-80. Abstract/Full Text
- On a chromosome far, far away: LCRs and gene expression.
- Dean A.
- Trends Genet (2006 Jan) 22:38-45. Abstract/Full Text
- Organizing the genome: enhancers and insulators.
- Zhao H, Dean A.
- Biochem Cell Biol (2005 Aug) 83:516-24. Abstract/Full Text
- An insulator blocks spreading of histone acetylation and interferes with RNA polymerase II transfer between an enhancer and gene.
- Zhao H, Dean A.
- Nucleic Acids Res (2004) 32:4903-19. Abstract/Full Text
- Developmental stage differences in chromatin subdomains of the beta-globin locus.
- Kim A, Dean A.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2004 May 4) 101:7028-33. Abstract/Full Text
- Chromatin remodelling and the interaction between enhancers and promoters in the beta-globin locus.
- Dean A.
- Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic (2004 Feb) 2:344-54. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed April 2024