Christine Maric-Bilkan, Ph.D.

Responsibilities & Activities
I oversee basic and translational research related to polycystic kidney disease, basic research in renal pathophysiology as well as fellowships in kidney and urology. I also oversee several specific programs:
- The Polycystic Kidney Disease Research Resource Consortium, which develops and shares investigative resources, reagents and expertise with the broader research community to accelerate innovation and discovery in the field of polycystic kidney disease. Explore our resources and core services to see how we can help you advance your research goals.
- The Innovative Science Accelerator (ISAC) Program, which provides seed funding for paradigm-shifting projects.
Research Programs
Kidney Basic Research
The mechanisms and pathophysiology underlying renal disease and its progression.
Kidney Disease Centers
Enhancing the effectiveness of research related to nephrology by encouraging collaboration among investigators from relevant disciplines.
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Research on renal injury from cyst growth that occurs in PKD.
Select Experience
Program Officer, NIH/NHLBI, 2013-2018
Associate Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2008-2013
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University Medical Center, 2001-2008
Research Officer, Renal physiology/Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Melbourne, 1997-2001
PhD, Renal physiology/Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Melbourne, 1993-1997