Christopher Mullins, Ph.D.

Responsibilities & Activities
I serve as the Director of Cell Biology Programs in Urologic and Kidney Disease. This involves oversight of studies of fundamental aspects of urologic and kidney disorders and relevant translational science at the NIDDK. My primary research interests include benign prostate disease; urologic pain syndromes; contributions of pathogens to urologic diseases; and the cellular biology of the kidney, bladder, and lower urinary tract.
I currently serve as a project scientist for the NIDDK’s Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Research Network and as the director for the KUH Collaborative Grants program for Program Project Grants and Resource-Related Studies.
I also provide development and oversight for additional NIDDK initiatives, including the NIDDK Prostate Research Strategic Plan, and I represent the NIDDK on numerous NIH working groups.
Research Programs
Diabetic Urologic Disease
The mechanisms and pathophysiology underlying diabetic uropathy and its progression.
Kidney Basic Research
The mechanisms and pathophysiology underlying renal disease and its progression.
Kidney Bioengineering, Biotechnology, & Imaging
The development of new technologies for the diagnosis, monitoring, or treatment of renal disease.
Urologic Disease Centers
Enhance the effectiveness of research related to urologic diseases and conditions by encouraging collaboration among investigators.
Urology Basic Research
The mechanisms and pathophysiology underlying urologic disease and its progression.
Urology Clinical Research & Epidemiology
Clinical studies and epidemiologic research for urologic diseases.
Urology Developmental Biology & Aging
Research on the developing and aging lower genitourinary tract.
Urology Genetics & Genomics
Genetics and genomics approaches to elucidate the normal and pathologic functions of the lower genitourinary tract.
Committees & Working Groups
- KUH Grants Program for Program Project Grants and Resource-Related Studies Working Group, Chair
- Trans-NIDDK Microbiome Working Group, Member
- NIDDK Centers Working Group on Cores/Shared Resources, Member
- Trans-NIH Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Working Group, NIDDK Representative
- Trans-NIH Pain Consortium, NIDDK Representative
Select Experience
National Research Council Associateship, Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD, NIH, 1997-2002
Ph.D., Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University Graduate School of Medicine, 1997
M.S., Department of Biology, University of Louisville, 1993