Priyanka Narayan, Ph.D., Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator

Acting Section Chief:
Human Disease Section, Genetics & Biochemistry Branch
Scientific Focus Areas: Neuroscience, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Stem Cell Biology
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- Apolipoprotein E in lipid metabolism and neurodegenerative disease.
- Yang LG, March ZM, Stephenson RA, Narayan PS.
- Trends Endocrinol Metab (2023 Aug) 34:430-445. Abstract/Full Text
- APOE4 disrupts intracellular lipid homeostasis in human iPSC-derived glia.
- Sienski G, Narayan P, Bonner JM, Kory N, Boland S, Arczewska AA, Ralvenius WT, Akay L, Lockshin E, He L, Milo B, Graziosi A, Baru V, Lewis CA, Kellis M, Sabatini DM, Tsai LH, Lindquist S.
- Sci Transl Med (2021 Mar 3) 13. Abstract/Full Text
- PICALM Rescues Endocytic Defects Caused by the Alzheimer's Disease Risk Factor APOE4.
- Narayan P, Sienski G, Bonner JM, Lin YT, Seo J, Baru V, Haque A, Milo B, Akay LA, Graziosi A, Freyzon Y, Landgraf D, Hesse WR, Valastyan J, Barrasa MI, Tsai LH, Lindquist S.
- Cell Rep (2020 Oct 6) 33:108224. Abstract/Full Text
- A reference human induced pluripotent stem cell line for large-scale collaborative studies.
- Pantazis CB, Yang A, Lara E, McDonough JA, Blauwendraat C, Peng L, Oguro H, Kanaujiya J, Zou J, Sebesta D, Pratt G, Cross E, Blockwick J, Buxton P, Kinner-Bibeau L, Medura C, Tompkins C, Hughes S, Santiana M, Faghri F, Nalls MA, Vitale D, Ballard S, Qi YA, Ramos DM, Anderson KM, Stadler J, Narayan P, Papademetriou J, Reilly L, Nelson MP, Aggarwal S, Rosen LU, Kirwan P, Pisupati V, Coon SL, Scholz SW, Priebe T, Öttl M, Dong J, Meijer M, Janssen LJM, Lourenco VS, van der Kant R, Crusius D, Paquet D, Raulin AC, Bu G, Held A, Wainger BJ, Gabriele RMC, Casey JM, Wray S, Abu-Bonsrah D, Parish CL, Beccari MS, Cleveland DW, Li E, Rose IVL, Kampmann M, Calatayud Aristoy C, Verstreken P, Heinrich L, Chen MY, Schüle B, Dou D, Holzbaur ELF, Zanellati MC, Basundra R, Deshmukh M, Cohen S, Khanna R, Raman M, Nevin ZS, Matia M, Van Lent J, Timmerman V, Conklin BR, Johnson Chase K, Zhang K, Funes S, Bosco DA, Erlebach L, Welzer M, Kronenberg-Versteeg D, Lyu G, Arenas E, Coccia E, Sarrafha L, Ahfeldt T, Marioni JC, Skarnes WC, Cookson MR, Ward ME, Merkle FT.
- Cell Stem Cell (2022 Dec 1) 29:1685-1702.e22. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Translocon Declogger Ste24 Protects against IAPP Oligomer-Induced Proteotoxicity.
- Kayatekin C, Amasino A, Gaglia G, Flannick J, Bonner JM, Fanning S, Narayan P, Barrasa MI, Pincus D, Landgraf D, Nelson J, Hesse WR, Costanzo M, AMP T2D-GENES Consortium, Myers CL, Boone C, Florez JC, Lindquist S.
- Cell (2018 Mar 22) 173:62-73.e9. Abstract/Full Text
- Quantitative analysis of co-oligomer formation by amyloid-beta peptide isoforms.
- Iljina M, Garcia GA, Dear AJ, Flint J, Narayan P, Michaels TC, Dobson CM, Frenkel D, Knowles TP, Klenerman D.
- Sci Rep (2016 Jun 27) 6:28658. Abstract/Full Text
- Intracellular oligomeric amyloid-beta rapidly regulates GluA1 subunit of AMPA receptor in the hippocampus.
- Whitcomb DJ, Hogg EL, Regan P, Piers T, Narayan P, Whitehead G, Winters BL, Kim DH, Kim E, St George-Hyslop P, Klenerman D, Collingridge GL, Jo J, Cho K.
- Sci Rep (2015 Jun 9) 5:10934. Abstract/Full Text
- Single-molecule imaging reveals that small amyloid-β1-42 oligomers interact with the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)).
- Ganzinger KA, Narayan P, Qamar SS, Weimann L, Ranasinghe RT, Aguzzi A, Dobson CM, McColl J, St George-Hyslop P, Klenerman D.
- Chembiochem (2014 Nov 24) 15:2515-21. Abstract/Full Text
- Combating neurodegenerative disease with chemical probes and model systems.
- Narayan P, Ehsani S, Lindquist S.
- Nat Chem Biol (2014 Nov) 10:911-20. Abstract/Full Text
- Rare individual amyloid-β oligomers act on astrocytes to initiate neuronal damage.
- Narayan P, Holmström KM, Kim DH, Whitcomb DJ, Wilson MR, St George-Hyslop P, Wood NW, Dobson CM, Cho K, Abramov AY, Klenerman D.
- Biochemistry (2014 Apr 22) 53:2442-53. Abstract/Full Text
- Clioquinol promotes the degradation of metal-dependent amyloid-β (Aβ) oligomers to restore endocytosis and ameliorate Aβ toxicity.
- Matlack KE, Tardiff DF, Narayan P, Hamamichi S, Caldwell KA, Caldwell GA, Lindquist S.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014 Mar 18) 111:4013-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Single molecule characterization of the interactions between amyloid-β peptides and the membranes of hippocampal cells.
- Narayan P, Ganzinger KA, McColl J, Weimann L, Meehan S, Qamar S, Carver JA, Wilson MR, St George-Hyslop P, Dobson CM, Klenerman D.
- J Am Chem Soc (2013 Jan 30) 135:1491-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Amyloid-β oligomers are sequestered by both intracellular and extracellular chaperones.
- Narayan P, Meehan S, Carver JA, Wilson MR, Dobson CM, Klenerman D.
- Biochemistry (2012 Nov 20) 51:9270-6. Abstract/Full Text
- The extracellular chaperone clusterin sequesters oligomeric forms of the amyloid-β(1-40) peptide.
- Narayan P, Orte A, Clarke RW, Bolognesi B, Hook S, Ganzinger KA, Meehan S, Wilson MR, Dobson CM, Klenerman D.
- Nat Struct Mol Biol (2011 Dec 18) 19:79-83. Abstract/Full Text
- Design of DNA-conjugated polypeptide-based capture probes for the anchoring of proteins to DNA matrices.
- Schweller RM, Constantinou PE, Frankel NW, Narayan P, Diehl MR.
- Bioconjug Chem (2008 Dec) 19:2304-7. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed August 2024