Quan Wang, Ph.D., Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator

Professional Experience
- Lewis-Sigler Experimental Fellow, Princeton University, 2016-2021
- Ph.D., Stanford University, 2015
- M.S., University of New Mexico, 2007
- B.S., University of Science and Technology of China, 2005
Current Research
We are currently developing new and improved methods that expand the capability of single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy in solution. Building on a platform technology known as anti-Brownian Electrokinetic (ABEL) trapping to control a single biomolecule in solution, we simultaneously measure single-molecular size, charge (Nat. Methods 11, 555) and conformations (Nat. Methods 18, 816), together with their time-dependent dynamics in real time. These capabilities provide rich quantitative information on the oligomerization, phosphorylation and structural states and state transitions on a single biomolecule, and serve as a unique observation window into a wide range of biological processes.
Many scientific topics are being studied using our advanced single-molecule techniques, including nucleotide-dependent assembly/disassembly dynamics of multimeric enzymes, conformation change upon complex formation, biophysical impact of phosphorylation, dilute-phase molecular organization of biological liquid condensates. We gain biophysical insights by directly monitoring these processes at the single-molecule level, which has many advantages compared to traditional ensemble-level assays.
We are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated people. Learn about open positions in our lab at the postdoc, graduate student, and postbac levels.
Select Publications
- ABEL-FRET: tether-free single-molecule FRET with hydrodynamic profiling.
- Wilson H, Wang Q.
- Nat Methods (2021 Jul) 18:816-820. Abstract/Full Text NIH external link
- Joint Detection of Change Points in Multichannel Single-Molecule Measurements.
- Wilson H, Wang Q.
- J Phys Chem B (2021 Dec 16) 125:13425-13435. Abstract/Full Text NIH external link
Research in Plain Language
We are broadly interested in the fundamental link between the physical properties of biological molecules, nanoscale dynamics and biological functions. For example, how does protein complexes assemble to become catalytically active; how does electric charge affect biomolecular interactions; what are the molecular-scale structure and dynamics that define biological liquid condensates. We conduct quantitative biophysical measurements at the single-molecule level and seek to gain physical insights by quantitative modeling.
A parallel thrust is to push the boundary of existing single-molecule techniques. We aim to develop innovative and improved measurement modalities that provide high resolution, multi-dimensional and holistic views of single-molecule properties and nanoscale dynamics.