Cuiying Xiao, M.D., Ph.D.

Professional Experience
- Staff Scientist, NIH, 2011-present
- Contractor, Animal Biologist, NIH, 2011
- Research Fellow, NIH, 2009-2010
- Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH, 2004-2008
- Associate Professor, West China Center of Medical Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2003
- Lecturer, Associate Professor, West China University of Medical Sciences, 1995-2001
- Visiting Scholar, Radbound University Nijmegen (Dutch: Radbound Universiteit Nijmegan, formerly Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen), 1994-1995
- Ph.D., Sichuan University, 2003
- Visiting Ph.D. Student, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, Israel, 2001-2002
- Master of Medicine, West China Center of Medical Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 1989
- M.D., Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou, Sichuan, China, 1983
Research Goal
The goal of our research is to make advances in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.
Current Research
I conduct research to elucidate the mechanisms underlying energy homeostasis.
Applying our Research
With a higher prevalence of diabetes and obesity worldwide, treatment for these morbidities is imperative. Knowledge obtained from mouse experimentation in our research will generate hypotheses. These hypotheses will be followed upon in a clinical setting, and will ultimately advance the treatment of diabetes and obesity.
Need for Further Study
The regulation of energy homeostasis is not fully understood, and measures to treat diabetes and obesity are limited. Knowledge from mouse models would be helpful to further explore these areas.
Select Publications
- Loss of Otopetrin 1 affects thermoregulation during fasting in mice.
- Tu YH, Liu N, Xiao C, Gavrilova O, Reitman ML.
- PLoS One (2023) 18:e0292610. Abstract/Full Text
- In vivo phenotypic validation of adenosine receptor-dependent activity of non-adenosine drugs.
- Xiao C, Gavrilova O, Liu N, Lewicki SA, Reitman ML, Jacobson KA.
- Purinergic Signal (2023 Sep) 19:551-564. Abstract/Full Text
Research in Plain Language
My research involves using mouse models to understand metabolic rate regulation, body temperature regulation, and drug treatments for obesity.