Clinical Trials

Open studies conducted by NIDDK Principal Investigators appear below. Study statuses may include the following:

  • Open: Recruiting - Currently recruiting participants and open to everyone who meets eligibility criteria.
  • Open: Active, Not Recruiting - Participants are receiving an intervention or being examined, however new participants are not being recruited or enrolled.
  • Open: Enrolling by Invitation - People in a particular population were selected in advance and invited to participate. The study is not open to everyone who meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Open: Available for Expanded Access - Patients who are not participants in the clinical study may be able to gain access to the drug, biologic, or medical device being studied.

Studies Seeking Patients

Unraveling the Mechanisms Underlying Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Through a Multidisciplinary, Integrative Research Approach

Background: Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a rare chronic liver disease. It affects the bile ducts of the liver. It can result in bile duct infections, cirrhosis, cancer, and end stage liver disease. Researchers want to learn more about this disease. Objective: To understand the biological causes of primary sclerosing cholangitis. Eligibility: Adults age 18 and older who have primary sclerosing cholangitis. Design: Participants will be screened with a medical history, physical exam, and blood tests. Participants will give blood, saliva, urine, and stool samples. They will have nasal swabs. They will complete surveys. Participants will get an intravenous (IV) catheter. A plastic tube is inserted into an arm vein. Participants will have a colonoscopy. A tube with a video camera at the end is inserted into the rectum. Participants will have an upper endoscopy. A scope with a light and camera at its tip is used to look inside the upper digestive tract. Participants will have a liver biopsy, entering through the chest wall or a neck vein. Blood is drawn from a blood vessel that carries blood to the liver. A liver tissue sample is taken. Participants will have magnetic resonance imaging or spectroscopy. They will get a contrast agent through an IV. Participants may have an optional bone marrow aspiration. A large needle is inserted into the hip to withdraw marrow. Participants will have a liver ultrasound. Participants will complete a 3-day food diary. They will have a nutrition assessment. Participants may give contact details for people who live with them, to also take part in this study. Participation will last for 12 months....

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Theo Heller, M.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 451-6984

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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, the HEpatic Response to Oral Glucose, and the Effect of Semaglutide (NAFLD HEROES)

Background: In non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), fat accumulates in the liver and can cause damage. Researchers want to learn what causes the damage NAFLD, and to see if a medication can help. Objective: To find out how the liver in people with NAFLD responds to feeding, and how this relates to their response to the drug semaglutide. Eligibility: People with NAFLD and healthy volunteers ages 18 and older Design: Participants will be screened with: Medical history Physical exam Blood tests Imaging: A machine will take pictures of the participant s body. Within 2-8 weeks of enrollment, participants will stay in the clinic for several days. This includes: Blood, urine, heart, and imaging tests For NAFLD participants only: A needle-like device will remove a small biopsy of the liver and fatty tissue. Participants will be alone in a special room for 5 hours. They will breathe through a tube under the nostrils. They will have blood drawn several times. The baseline visit concludes participation for healthy volunteers but NAFLD participants will contine. About 6 weeks after discharge, participants will stay in the clinic again and repeat the tests. They will get their first semaglutide dose by injection. Participants will have visits weeks 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 of treatment. Visits include blood tests. Participants will inject semaglutide once a week at home. At week 30, participants will stay in the clinic again and repeat the tests. Participants will have a final visit 12 weeks after stopping treatment. This includes blood and urine tests. ...

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Yaron Rotman, M.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 451-6553

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People With CHC Who Achieved a Sustained Virological Response Following Therapy With Direct Acting Antiviral Agents

Background: Chronic hepatitis C infects the liver. It may scar the liver. This is called cirrhosis and may lead to liver cancer or death. Current chronic hepatitis C treatments cure most people. But some keep getting complications even after it is cured. Researchers want to study why. Objective: To study the course and complications of liver disease after cure of hepatitis C infection. Eligibility: Adults 18 years and older infected with chronic hepatitis C virus who were never treated or were treated and not cured and those who were cured Design: Participants will be screened with: Blood and urine tests Questionnaires Liver ultrasound Fibroscan. A probe vibrates the liver, testing stiffness. In Phase 1, people with chronic hepatitis C will: Have a 3-day hospital admission to repeat some screening tests and have a liver biopsy. A small piece of liver is removed by needle passed through the skin. Take 1 tablet containing 2 hepatitis C drugs once a day for 12 weeks. Repeat some blood tests at 3 visits in those 12 weeks while on treatment, then 4 additional visits in the next 24 weeks with more blood work collected. Phase 1 participants who test negative for hepatitis C and all other eligible participants will enter Phase 2. Phase 2 participants will have a visit every 24 weeks for 10 years. These may include: Repeats of screening tests Questionnaires Scans Stool tests Chest x-ray Heart function test Endoscopy. A tube guides a camera into the upper digestive system. At about 5 years, participants will have another liver biopsy. Some participants will give separate consent for genetic testing and a special blood procedure....

The trial is Open with a status of Active, not recruiting.

Investigator: Marc G Ghany, M.D.

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Natural History of Noncirrhotic Portal Hypertension

Background: - Noncirrhotic Portal Hypertension (NCPH) is caused by liver diseases that increase pressure in the blood vessels of the liver. It seems to start slowly and not have many warning signs. Many people may not even know that they have a liver disease. There are no specific treatments for NCPH. Objectives: - To learn more about how NCPH develops over time. Eligibility: - People age 12 and older who have NCPH or are at risk for getting it. In the past year, they cannot have had other types of liver disease that typically result in cirrhosis, liver cancer, or active substance abuse. Design: * Participants will have 2 screening visits. * Visit 1: to see if they have or may develop NCPH. * Medical history * Physical exam * Urine and stool studies * Abdominal ultrasound * Fibroscan. Sound waves measure liver stiffness. \<TAB\>- Visit 2: * Blood tests * Abdominal MRI * Echocardiogram * Questionnaire * Liver blood vessel pressure (hepatic venous portal gradient (HVPG)) measurement. This is done with a small tube inserted in a neck vein. * They may have a liver biopsy. * All participants will visit the clinic every 6 months for a history, physical exam, and blood tests. They will also repeat some of the screening tests yearly. * Participants with NCPH will also have: * Upper endoscopy test. A tube inserted in the mouth goes through the esophagus and stomach. * At least every 2 years: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. * At least every 4 years: testing including HVPG measurements and liver biopsy. * Participants without NCPH will also have: * Liver biopsy and HVPG measurements to see if they have NCPH. * Every 2 years: abdominal MRI and stool studies. * The study will last indefinitely.

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Theo Heller, M.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 451-6983

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Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) Network Retrospective

The purpose of this study is to establish retrospectively a nationwide registry of patients who have suffered drug-induced liver injury (DILI), and to collect, immortalize, and store serum, DNA, and lymphocytes from these patients. ILIAD will serve as a resource for subsequent mechanistic investigations into the basis of severe idiosyncratic DILI. The primary goal of the ILIAD protocol is to create: (a) a clinical database consisting of individuals who have experienced severe DILI and the relevant clinical data concerning the episode of DILI; and, (b) to create a bank of biological specimens obtained from these individuals. These biological specimens will be DNA, plasma, and immortalized lymphocytes. Immortalized lymphocytes will provide unlimited amounts of genomic DNA for study as well as living immune cells for phenotyping studies. A secondary goal of the ILIAD protocol is to maintain a registry of cases in the ILIAD database so that they may be recontacted in the future. It is expected that this will facilitate additional studies exploring the mechanisms of DILI.

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Huiman X. Barnhart, PhD

Referral Contacts: 919-660-7253

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Evaluation of Patients With Liver Disease

The proposed study aims to evaluate, investigate, and follow-up patients suffering from acute and chronic liver disease. The study will focus on understanding diseases affecting the liver. Patients participating in the study will first undergo a routine check-up as an outpatient. They will be asked to provide blood and urine samples for laboratory testing and will undergo an ultrasound of the liver. Ultrasound examinations use sound waves to determine the size and texture of the liver. After the initial visit subjects will be requested to follow-up once a year at the outpatient department for a similar check-up. Additional tests may be requested throughout the study to provide information for other research studies and individual consent will be requested. These tests may include liver biopsies, skin biopsies, and / or specialized blood, plasma, and lymphocyte examinations. Subjects that qualify for medications presently being studied may be offered the opportunity to benefit from experimental therapy.

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: T. Jake Liang, M.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 435-6121

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Last Reviewed October 2023