Genetics & Metabolism Section

of the Liver Diseases Branch

Our laboratory focuses on the genetics and cell biology of iron uptake and utilization in eukaryotes.

Select Publications

The iron chaperone poly(rC)-binding protein 1 regulates iron efflux through intestinal ferroportin in mice.
Wang Y, Protchenko O, Huber KD, Shakoury-Elizeh M, Ghosh MC, Philpott CC.
Blood (2023 Nov 9) 142:1658-1671. Abstract/Full Text
The iron chaperone and nucleic acid-binding activities of poly(rC)-binding protein 1 are separable and independently essential.
Patel SJ, Protchenko O, Shakoury-Elizeh M, Baratz E, Jadhav S, Philpott CC.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2021 Jun 22) 118. Abstract/Full Text
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Lab Members

Members of the Genetics and Metabolism Section 
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Last Reviewed October 2023