Rebecca J. Brown, M.D., M.H.Sc.

Clinical Trials

Open studies conducted by NIDDK Principal Investigators appear below. Study statuses may include the following:

  • Open: Recruiting - Currently recruiting participants and open to everyone who meets eligibility criteria.
  • Open: Active, Not Recruiting - Participants are receiving an intervention or being examined, however new participants are not being recruited or enrolled.
  • Open: Enrolling by Invitation - People in a particular population were selected in advance and invited to participate. The study is not open to everyone who meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Open: Available for Expanded Access - Patients who are not participants in the clinical study may be able to gain access to the drug, biologic, or medical device being studied.

Studies Seeking Patients

Study of Growth Hormone Inhibition Using Pegvisomant in Severe Insulin Resistance

Background: Lipodystrophy (LD) syndromes are a group of rare disorders that affect how a person s body can store and use fat tissue. Many people with LDs become severely insulin resistant. Some people are insulin resistant because of a variant in the insulin receptor gene. Insulin resistance causes many health problems. Objective: To learn if blocking the effects of growth hormone in the body will help people with severe insulin resistance. Eligibility: Adults aged 18 to 65 years with either a known variant in the insulin receptor gene or with a diagnosis of partial LD. Design: Participants will have 2 hospital stays, about 1 month apart. Each stay will be 3 or 4 nights. During each hospital stay, participants will have many tests. They will have a physical exam with blood tests. They will have all of their urine collected for a 24-hour period. They will have scans to measure their muscle, bone, and fat tissues. They will have tests to measure metabolism and insulin sensitivity. They may have an optional biopsy of fat tissue. During the first hospital visit, participants will learn how to give themselves shots of a drug (pegvisomant) that blocks growth hormone. The drug is injected under the skin. Participants will continue to give themselves these shots once a day at home. After the first hospital visit, participants will talk on the phone with members of the study team once each week. After 2 weeks they will have blood drawn for tests. Participants will stop the shots after the second hospital visit.

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Rebecca J Brown, M.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 402-6371

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Natural History of Pregnancy and Pregnancy Outcomes in Metreleptin-Treated vs Untreated Subjects With Lipodystrophy

Background: Lipodystrophy is a health problem in which the body does not have enough fat tissue. People with lipodystrophy may not make enough of the hormone leptin. Leptin regulates hunger. Low leptin levels trigger hunger. People with lipodystrophy can have many health problems. They may take a drug (metreleptin) that mimics leptin. Little is known about how taking metreleptin may affect a pregnancy. Metreleptin may be helpful or harmful to pregnant women. It may also affect the health of the child who is born. Objective: This natural history study will collect data about the effects of taking metreleptin while pregnant. Eligibility: Women aged 18 years or older with lipodystrophy who have been pregnant. Women who did and who did not take metreleptin during their pregnancies are needed. Children of women with lipodystrophy who took this drug during pregnancy are also needed. Design: Participants will have 1 study visit. This visit may be by phone, by telehealth, or in-person. Participants will answer questions about their pregnancies. They will discuss any health problems they had. They will be asked about any medicines they took before and during their pregnancies. They will be asked about the health of their children. Participants medical records will be reviewed. Participants may need to provide a blood sample. They may also be asked to provide a sample of breastmilk. Participants children may also be asked to provide a blood sample....

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Rebecca J Brown, M.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 402-6371

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Effect of Metreleptin Therapy in the Treatment of Severe Insulin Resistance

Study Description: Patients with mutations of the insulin receptor have diabetes that is challenging to control with conventional therapies, leading to early morbidity and mortality. We hypothesize that recombinant leptin (metreleptin) in these patients will improve glycemia control. Objectives: Primary Objective: To determine if 1 year of metreleptin will improve glycemia control in patients with genetic defects of the insulin receptor. Secondary Objectives: To determine mechanisms by which metreleptin improves glycemia. Endpoints: Primary Endpoint: Hemoglobin A1c. Secondary Endpoints: fasting plasma glucose, fasting insulin/C-peptide, glucose/insulin/C-peptide area under the curve during oral glucose tolerance test. Study Population: 20 male or female patients with mutations of the insulin receptor, age (Bullet)5 years, at the NIH Clinical Center. Description of Sites/Facilities Enrolling Participants: Description of Study Intervention: NIH Clinical Center Open label study of metreleptin, 0.2 mg/kg/day (max dose 0.24 mg/kg/day).

The trial is Open with a status of Active, not recruiting.

Investigator: Rebecca J Brown, M.D.

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Genetic Studies of Insulin and Diabetes

The study will allow researchers to obtain blood, plasma, DNA, and RNA for genetic studies of insulin. There will be a focus on the causes of insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. Insulin is a hormone found in the body that controls the level of sugar in the blood. Insulin resistance refers to conditions like diabetes when insulin does not work properly. In this study researchers would like to compare patients with diabetes and other forms of insulin resistance to normal individuals. The study will investigate how insulin attaches to cells. Researchers will take 4 to 6 ounces (100-150 ml) of blood from adult patients and may request up to 12 ounces (one unit) of blood if necessary. Skin samples may be taken for a biopsy if further genetic testing is necessary. In addition some patients may be asked not to eat for up to 72 hours prior to testing....

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Rebecca J Brown, M.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 402-6371

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Last Reviewed July 2024