Kong Y. Chen, Ph.D., MSCI
Kong Chen.
Scientific Focus Areas: Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, Clinical Research, Epidemiology, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Clinical Trials

Open studies conducted by NIDDK Principal Investigators appear below. Study statuses may include the following:

  • Open: Recruiting - Currently recruiting participants and open to everyone who meets eligibility criteria.
  • Open: Active, Not Recruiting - Participants are receiving an intervention or being examined, however new participants are not being recruited or enrolled.
  • Open: Enrolling by Invitation - People in a particular population were selected in advance and invited to participate. The study is not open to everyone who meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Open: Available for Expanded Access - Patients who are not participants in the clinical study may be able to gain access to the drug, biologic, or medical device being studied.

Studies Seeking Patients

A Natural History Study of Metabolic Sizing in Health and Disease

Background: Scientists have long used simple measures (such as height and weight) to estimate how much a person s body uses food (calories) as energy, as commonly called the metabolic rate. But metabolism varies among people with similar body sizes. Scientists now believe the old formulas for estimating metabolic rates may not work well for all people. Researchers want to find more accurate ways to measure a person s metabolism. Objective: This natural history study will examine the relationships between metabolism, body composition, and body surface area in a wide range of people. Eligibility: Healthy children and adults aged 2 years or older. Also, people aged 2 years or older with conditions that may alter metabolism. These may include diabetes, obesity, renal disease, or cancer. Design: Participants will spend 2 days and 1 night in the hospital. They will provide a medical history and answer questions about their activity levels, the foods they eat, and their lifestyle. They will also eat a special diet. Participants will undergo many tests: They will lie in a bed with a clear hood covering their head for 30 to 45 minutes to measure the gases in their breath. They will lie on a padded table for about 15 minutes while their body is scanned. They will stand on a platform while a 3D scanner measures their body. They will have a test to measure how fast an electric signal moves through their body. They will grip an instrument to measure the strength of their hands. They will drink salty water and provide blood and urine samples. Participants may be invited to return for these 2-day visits up to 8 times per year. Return visits must be at least 2 weeks apart.

The trial is Open with a status of Recruiting.

Investigator: Kong Y Chen, Ph.D.

Referral Contacts: (301) 594-6799

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Last Reviewed July 2023