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  4. Maureen Monaghan Center, Ph.D., CDCES

Maureen Monaghan Center, Ph.D., CDCES

Maureen Monaghan Center.
Program Director, Diabetes Behavioral Science: Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, & Metabolic Diseases
Health Psychology, Behavioral Science, Clinical Management of Diabetes

Responsibilities & Activities

I serve as Program Director for Diabetes Behavioral Science and provide scientific and administrative oversight for clinical studies addressing behavioral and psychological research in diabetes. My portfolio focuses on behavioral strategies to prevent type 2 diabetes or improve treatment outcomes of individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes across the lifespan. Studies in this portfolio include observational studies, behavioral interventions from pilot and feasibility studies through efficacy and effectiveness trials, as well as dissemination and implementation work focused on understanding behavioral, familial, or psychological factors that influence diabetes self-management and clinical care. In addition to outcomes related to the prevention and treatment of diabetes (e.g., HbA1C, glucose), other outcomes of interest may include patient-reported outcomes, quality of life, diabetes distress, and other psychological indicators with implications for diabetes management and care.

Research Programs

Clinical Research in Type 1 Diabetes
Determinants, etiology, progression, prevention, and treatment of type 1 diabetes in children and adults.

Clinical Research in Type 2 Diabetes
Progression and treatment of type 2 diabetes in children and adults.

Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, & Complications
The Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, and Complications Program supports both basic and clinical studies aimed at addressing the prevention, treatment and pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes across the lifespan.

Committees & Working Groups

  • Clinical Advancement based on Research Evidence (CARE), Member
  • Clinical Studies Working Group, Member
  • NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Coordinating Committee, NIDDK Representative
  •  NIH Adherence Research Network Scientific Interest Group, Member
  • NIDDK Women’s Health Working Group, Member
Last Reviewed March 2024