DP3: Type 1 Diabetes Targeted Research Award

The DP3 at NIDDK

Type 1 Diabetes Targeted Research Awards are used for funding research in the Special Statutory Funding Program in Type 1 Diabetes. These Research Awards are administered differently than most NIH grants in this area:

  • A single grant award is issued that includes multiple years of funding. 
  • The budget period is the same as the project period.
  • Grants cannot be extended beyond 4 years and 9 months. 
  • Any funds remaining in the grant must be returned to the NIH. 
  • No Cost Extensions are only allowed for grants with an initial project period of less than 4 years and 9 months.

Like other research grants, Research Performance Progress Reports are submitted annually through the eRA Commons.


Applicants should follow the instructions in the SF424 Application Guide and the individual NOFO.


Dates are specific for each Notice of Funding Opportunity.


For most NIH grants, funds are made available to the institution on a yearly basis. For the Type 1 Diabetes Targeted Research Awards, NIH will commit all years of funding for each grant in a single award. This is an unusual feature for NIH grants, but it will not affect the conduct of the research.

Budgets should be commensurate with project needs. Funds may be requested for personnel, supplies, equipment, subcontracts, and other allowable costs. The direct costs for each year should be estimated and then added to derive the multi-year total. Only the multi-year total should be requested, and must not exceed any limits stated in the NOFO. Budget detail is not required and should not be submitted in the application. A detailed budget will be requested as part of the just-in-time documents and will be reviewed by NIDDK program and grants management staff prior to award.

The exclusion of specific budget information from these applications was part of the NIH approval process for the use of the DP3 activity code. Reviewers make a general assessment of the requested direct costs compared to the scope and type of research. As with other grant reviews, the budget discussion occurs after the scientific discussion and does not affect the scoring. The study section recommendations on the budget are not binding and can be evaluated by program staff upon receipt of the detailed budget and justification.


Yes. In addition to the direct costs, applicable facilities and administrative costs will be allowed.

A detailed budget and justification will be requested “Just-in-Time” (JIT) prior to award.

No. Competing renewal applications are not allowed. Awardees can seek support to continue their research through traditional routes, such as submission of an R01 grant application.



Read carefully the application instructions and review criteria in the NOFO. In many aspects these applications and the review criteria are similar to other NIH grants. However, the focus of each NOFO is likely to require additional specific information.

No. Resubmission applications are not allowed. However, you are not prevented from submitting a new application.

Staff Contact

Please contact the program director listed on the NOFO of interest.

Last Reviewed November 2023