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  5. Laboratory of Cell & Molecular Biology
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Laboratory of Cell & Molecular Biology

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Usdin, Karen 301-496-2189 Acting Chief
Miller, Carson 301-451-5060 Biologist

Cell Biochemistry Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Cell Biochemistry Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Hanover, John 301-496-0943 Section Chief
Kolodrubetz, Marcella 301-594-5192 Biologist
Mukherjee, Mana 301-435-6791 Research Fellow

Gene Structure and Disease Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Gene Structure and Disease Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Usdin, Karen 301-496-2189 Section Chief
Kumari, Daman 301-594-5260 Senior Associate Scientist

Genetics and Physiology Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Genetics and Physiology Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Hennighausen, Lothar 301-328-6183 Section Chief
Lee, Hye Kyung 301-435-6635 Associate Scientist

RNA Biology Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the RNA Biology Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Haase, Astrid 301-451-5125 Section Chief
Meng, Qingcai 301-827-8129 Research Fellow

Structural Cell Biology Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Structural Cell Biology Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Hinshaw, Jenny 301-594-0842 Section Chief
Chan, Lieza 301-827-3604 Postbaccalaureate Fellow
Harrison, Jonathan 301-594-0842 PostBac Fellow
Kehr, Andrew 301-435-3485 Postdoctoral Fellow
Kundu, Nidhi 443-546-5657 Research Fellow
Njanja, Lindsey 301-594-0842 PostBac Fellow
Stanton, Abigail 301-594-0842 Postbaccalaureate Fellow