Browse Staff by Office

Laboratory of Chemical Physics

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Laboratory of Chemical Physics.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Tycko, Robert 301-402-8272 Acting Chief
Gopich, Irina 301-496-1880 Staff Scientist
Louis, John M. 301-594-3122 Research Biologist
Szabo, Attila 301-496-0825 Special Volunteer

Biophysical Chemistry Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Biophysical Chemistry Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Eaton, William 301-496-6030 Section Chief
Cellmer, Troy 301-594-1203 Biologist
Henry, Eric 301-496-6031 Staff Scientist
Li, Quan 301-435-8522 Biologist
Metaferia, Belhu 301-594-1203 Biologist

Biophysical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Biophysical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title Research Description
Bax, Adriaan 301-496-2848 Section Chief
Baber, James 301-402-7239 Staff Scientist
Lopez Smith, Juan 301-496-2848 Staff Scientist Development of improved NMR technology for the study of protein structure and folding.
Shen, Yang 301-496-7098 Staff Scientist
Ying, Jinfa 301-451-7235 Staff Scientist

Computational Biophysics Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Computational Biophysics Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Best, Robert 301-496-5414 Section Chief

Section of Molecular and Structural Biophysics

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section of Molecular and Structural Biophysics.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Clore, G. Marius 301-496-0782 Section Chief
Cai, Mengli 301-594-9993 Staff Scientist
Garrett, Daniel 301-496-2704 Senior Scientist
Ghosh, Shreya 301-496-0788 Research Fellow
Kubatova, Nina 301-496-0788 Staff Scientist
Okuno, Yusuke 301-451-6644 Research Fellow
Schmidt, Thomas 301-451-6643 Staff Scientist
Tugarinov, Vitali 301-496-2815 Senior Associate Scientist

Section of Nanoscale Single-Molecule Dynamics

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section of Nanoscale Single-Molecule Dynamics.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Wang, Quan 301-827-2939 Acting Section Chief

Single-Molecule Biophysics Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Single-Molecule Biophysics Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Chung, Hoi Sung 301-496-0202 Section Chief

Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Biomolecular Physics Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Biomolecular Physics Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Tycko, Robert 301-402-8272 Section Chief
Thurber, Kent 301-451-7253 Staff Scientist
Yau, Wai-Ming 301-451-7427 Staff Scientist

Ultrafast Biophysical Chemistry Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Ultrafast Biophysical Chemistry Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Anfinrud, Philip 301-435-6034 Section Chief
Cho, Hyun Sun 301-402-6670 Staff Scientist
Schotte, Friedrich 301-402-6670 Staff Scientist