Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) Core, NIDDK
Jenny E. Hinshaw, Ph.D., Director
Yanxiang Cui, Ph.D., Technical Director
Bertram Canagarajah, Ph.D., Computational Director
View staff and contact information.
The Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) core provides the NIDDK scientific community with equipment and training in preparing and imaging negative stain and cryo-EM grids. The facility has three transmission electron microscopes, Glacios (K3 camera), Tecnai TF20 (K2 camera) and a T12, all optimized for negative stain, cryo-EM Single Particle and Tomography imaging. The Glacio and TF20 are in Building 8, room B2A20-24 and the T12 is in Building 50, room B406 . The facility also has two EM grid plungers, a carbon evaporator, a glow discharge machine, and a rapid freezing device (Chameleon) located in building 8, room 1A18.
Automated image acquisition is set up on all scopes using the program SerialEM. The data is stored on LCBB, a server located in the Democracy NIDDK IT facility. There is minimal fee for service of the facility.
Contact Yanxiang Cui to discuss potential projects and to schedule time on the instruments.