Laboratory Working Group Meeting Summaries

Below are meeting summaries for the Laboratory Working Group. To request meeting summaries for meetings prior to 2017, including In Vitro Manufacturers' Forums, please contact Jenna Norton.

Laboratory Working Group

October 28, 2024 – Virtual Meeting

The October 2024 Lab Working Group meeting reviewed the development of reference measurement procedures (RMPs) and reference materials (RMs) for urine albumin measurements, and determined the timeline for implementing standardization of the measurements. Presentations included a summary of current resources for standardization of urine albumin in vitro diagnostic medical devices, options for metrological traceability of urine albumin results to the International System of Units, and coordination with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for standardizing calibration of IVD medical devices for urine albumin. The meeting concluded with a discussion to plan a timeline for the IVD manufacturers to initiate the urine albumin standardization program.

July 25, 2023 – AACC Annual Meeting Meeting – Anaheim, CA

The August 2023 Lab Working Group meeting provided an update on progress toward developing reference measurement procedures (RMPs) and reference materials (RMs) for urine albumin measurements. The group reviewed of agreement among urine albumin measurement procedures, status of the higher-order reference system for standardization, National Institute of Standards and Technology RMs for urine albumin, status of the extent of equivalence study for RMPs across four laboratories, and an overall timeline for implementing urine albumin standardization activity. In addition, the National Kidney Foundation provided an update on progress and use of cystatin C.

January 20, 2023 – Virtual Meeting

The January 2023 Lab Working Group provided an overview of the urine albumin standardization program, with updates on the urine albumin end-user measurement procedures, the National Institute of Standards and Technology standard reference materials (SRM) for urine albumin (SRM 2925 and SRM 3666), and the reference measurement procedures (RMP) for urine albumin. Working Group members described progress and next steps for the extent of equivalence study (Round Robin) to compare results from four RMPs.

Laboratory Working Group – Albumin Standardization Subgroup

January 19, 2022 – Virtual Meeting

A sub-group of the Laboratory Working group comprised of members actively participating in urine albumin standardization efforts met in lieu of the full Laboratory Working Group meeting. The meeting focused on completing the standardization of urine albumin. The primary objectives for the meeting were to 1) understand the status of efforts to submit urine albumin reference materials and procedures to the Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) and 2) determine the next steps for designing and completing the urine albumin round-robin study.

August 6, 2019 - AACC Annual Meeting - Anaheim, CA

During the 2019 Lab Working Group meeting, participants discussed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reference materials for urine albumin (UA), including the work on certifying NIST candidate SRM 2925 and SRM 3666 as well as updating the current NIST Creatinine SRMs. The group also presented updates on reference measurement procedures for urine albumin at NIST, Mayo Clinic, and the University of Minnesota. The working group received an update on the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Profile (eGFR and UACR testing in one order) laboratory engagement initiative, where the NKF recommends that laboratories promote ordering the Kidney Profile as a quality measure, report patient eGFR values, report measurements in UACR in mg/g and confirm elevated UACR with a first-morning urine sample. Additionally, the group was reminded of the JCTLM Database Working Group process for materials and methods submissions and reviewed the guidance documents and data requirements.

August 1, 2018 - AACC Annual Meeting – Chicago, IL

During the 2018 Laboratory Working Group meeting, participants discussed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reference materials for urine albumin (UA), including candidate standard reference material (SRMs) 2925 Pure Albumin and 3666 Albumin in Frozen Human Urine, and the status and challenges of generating the four-level reference material Pool collections for SRM 3666. The group also discussed reference measurement procedures for UA being developed at NIST, the Mayo Clinic, and the University of Minnesota, as well as the plan for implementing calibration traceability to a reference system. The Working Group reviewed the recommendations for reporting UA and albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) at values that exceed the measuring intervals of routine measurement procedures and discussed the development and certification of a low concentration of serum creatinine for the next batch of the NIST SRM 967a.  An update was provided to the Working Group on the National Kidney Foundation initiative to implement a “Kidney Profile” incorporating urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio and estimated glomerular filtration rate.

August 1, 2017 - AACC Annual Meeting - San Diego, CA

During The 2017 Lab Working Group meeting, participants discussed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reference Materials for Urine Albumin, including candidate standard reference materials (SRM) 2925 Pure Albumin and SRM 3666 Albumin (and Creatinine) in Frozen Human Urine and the freeze-thaw influence on commutability assessment for SRM 3666. The group also discussed reference measurement procedures for urine albumin at NIST, Mayo Clinic, and University of Minnesota; a strategy for implementing calibration traceability to a reference system; and the status and goals of working group efforts to standardize urine albumin measurements. Additionally, the working group reviewed the matrix for low serum creatinine concentration in NIST SRM 967 and creatinine assay standardization procedures in developing countries.

Last Reviewed December 2024