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  4. Kidney Precision Medicine Project

Kidney Precision Medicine Project

Identifying critical human cells, pathways, and targets for new therapies in acute and chronic kidney diseases.

The NIDDK Kidney Precision Medicine Project (KPMP) aims to ethically obtain and evaluate human kidney biopsies from participants with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) or Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), create a kidney tissue atlas, define disease subgroups, and identify critical cells, pathways, and targets for novel therapies. The project will have four distinct, but highly interactive activities: Recruitment Sites, Tissues Interrogation Sites, a Central Hub and a Kidney Tissue Atlas Coordinating Center. Additional technology development in support of the KPMP will be supported by small business programs.

KPMP Activities

View detailed KPMP Structure and Stages (PDF, 503.86 KB) .

Notice of funding opportunity number RFA-DK-20-026


Enroll adults with AKI and/or CKD from varied age, sex, racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and geographic backgrounds into a longitudinal cohort study that includes a research kidney biopsy.

Total Funds Available

Approximately $3.7 million total costs per year for 5 years

Anticipated Number of Sites

Approximately 7 awards

Funding Mechanism


Research Strategy Page Limit

12 pages

Staff Contacts

More Information

Notice of funding opportunity number RFA-DK-20-028


Use and develop innovative technologies to analyze human kidney tissue.

Total Funds Available

Approximately $5 million total costs per year for 5 years

Anticipated Number of Sites

Approximately 8 awards

Funding Mechanism


Research Strategy Page Limit

12 pages

Staff Contacts

More Information

Notice of funding opportunity number RFA-DK-20-029


Collect and de-identify all clinical and social risk data and samples, and provide quality control, project management, and administrative support for the entire KPMP.

Total Funds Available

Approximately $4 million total costs per year for 5 years

Anticipated Number of Sites

One award

Funding Mechanism


Research Strategy Page Limit

24 pages

Staff Contacts

More Information

Notice of funding opportunity number RFA-DK-20-027


Clean, harmonize, store and curate all de-identified KPMP data, perform integrative analyses, and create an interactive Kidney Tissue Atlas.

Total Funds Available

Approximately $2 million total costs per year

Anticipated Number of Sites

One award

Funding Mechanism


Research Strategy Page Limit

12 pages

Staff Contacts

More Information

Notice of Special Interest: NOT-DK-21-007


This NOSI intends to encourage small businesses to translate kidney precision medicine discoveries and technologies.

Funding Mechanisms

R41/R42 (STTR) and R43/R44 (SBIR)

Staff Contact

Daniel Gossett

More Information

Research Resources

NIDDK makes publicly supported resources, data sets, and studies available to researchers to accelerate the rate and lower the cost of new discoveries.

  • Ancillary Studies to Major Ongoing Clinical Studies to extend our knowledge of the diseases being studied by the parent study investigators under a defined protocol or to study diseases and conditions not within the original scope of the parent study but within the mission of the NIDDK.
  • NIDDK Central Repository for access to clinical resources including data and biospecimens from NIDDK-funded studies.
  • NIDDK Information Network (dkNET) for simultaneous search of digital resources, including multiple datasets and biomedical resources relevant to the mission of the NIDDK.

Additional Research Programs

Research Training

Funding Eligibility by Career Level arrow graphic

NIDDK supports the training and career development of medical and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and physician scientists through institutional and individual grants.

Learn about NIDDK Research Training Programs

Small Business

Small Business Programs

NIDDK participates in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. These programs support innovative research conducted by small businesses that has the potential for commercialization.

Learn about NIDDK Small Business Programs

Human Subjects Research

Human Subjects Research

NIDDK provides funding for pivotal clinical research, from preliminary clinical feasibility to large multi-center studies.

Learn about Human Subjects Research

Translational Research

Translational Research process graphic

NIDDK provides funding opportunities and resources to encourage translation of basic discoveries into novel therapeutics.

Learn about NIDDK Translational Research Opportunities

Meetings & Workshops

  • NIH Common Fund

    Learn about current projects and view funding opportunities sponsored by the NIH Common Fund.

  • Planning to Apply? Register Early

    Registration is required at eRA Commons and grants.gov and can take 4 weeks.

Last Reviewed October 2024